Kanwar Durga Chand Govt. Degree College

Jaisinghpur, Tehsil Jaisinghpur, Distt. Kangra

Himachal Pradesh University

कंवर दुर्गा चंद राजकीय महाविद्यालय

जयसिंहपुर, जिला कांगड़ा (हिमाचल प्रदेश)

हिमाचल प्रदेश विश्वविद्यालय

About College

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About Us

Jaisinghpur is a small town in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. It was named after Maharaja Jai Singh, the Katoch king of the princely state Kangra-Lambagraon situated on the right bank of the river Beas. It holds historical significance as the birthplace of Maharaja Sansar Chand. He was the famous Katoch king of “Trigarta” (presently Kangra), born in 1765 AD at Bijapur, a Jagir of the Trigarta princely state, which is only 3 km away from present-day Jaisinghpur town. Currently, Jaisinghpur is a Sub-Division of Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, where KDC Govt College is situated.

Initially, KDC Government College was privately managed Vyas Valley Private College, which was taken over by the Government on the 6th of February, 2007, and renamed after the social reformer Kunwar Durga Chand. He was one of the towering personalities of Himachal Pradesh in the field of social service and politics. The college is named after such a generous and kind-hearted personality known for his work in providing free education and empowering women. After returning from Lahore, he opened a school for girls to impart good education. Likewise, the institution's objective is to continue his legacy by encouraging more students for higher education. 

At present, the institution provides undergraduate three-year degree courses in B.A/B.Sc./B.Com, nurturing and honing approximately 500 young minds every year, giving them ample opportunity to grow, develop, and excel. Currently, the main three streams such as Arts, Science and Commerce are running successfully in the college and the courses offered under these streams at under graduate levels are English, Hindi, History, Political Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Physical Education, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany and all the courses under Commerce stream respectively.

The primary focus of the institution is on the holistic development of the students, nurturing self-esteem, confidence and reflective thinking. The special emphasis is laid on value-based education with a progressive and positive outlook to help students succeed in a highly competitive world. Since its inception in the year 2007, the college has grown gradually but magnificently in every aspect. The institution has its own well-furnished building where it provides various facilities. It bestows a good space for learning and reading as the institution possess a Library which consists of approximate 4727 books along with three magazines i.e., Pratiyogita Darpan, India Today, CSR Competition Success Review and e-resources. Apart from imparting education the institution also focuses on the physical health of students and provides physical facilities like well-equipped Gymnasium for young boys and girls. The steps have been taken to maintain the decorum and discipline in the campus by forming Anti-Ragging Committee, Women Complaint and Empowerment Cell and CCTV Camera’s has also been located in the entire campus.